Adventure Games

Assemble a collection of incredible fables and take pleasure in their animated versions in Storyteller! In this game even a small detail can matter, so carefully think your strategy through and construct a comic that has a captivating plot and an appropriate ending.

Explore all possible storylines

A good creativity is a crucial skill that you need to have in order to compose the stories in Storyteller. Thus, you will have to search for the correct sequence of events by trial and error. When the game counts your tale as the one that suits the title, it will give you a crown. But until then, you are free to switch the characters or locations and to clear all the panels at once.

Moreover, you may even swamp the already filled panels, if you feel like some event has to go before the other ones. However, such rearrangements can lead to quite unexpected results that may change the whole concept of the tale.

Another thing that is really important in this project is the characters’ personalities. There are no definite roles that are meant specifically for one hero, but some of them are just more suitable for the villain parts then the others. Consequently, naturally evil personages are prone to treachery and other unforgivable things that will add a little spice to the story.

Wait for new tales to come along

Storyteller already has multiple fables that you can enjoy. There are absolutely special ones with the new heroes and the ones that you have probably heard of. This game will allow you to bring about changes even in the story of Adam and Eve, along with the events from famous novels.

Check how the characters from these popular books will act when they appear in the different situations. Your choices will affect not only the relationships between them, but even determine whether they live or die.

In addition, the project is constantly updated, so you will always have some new stories to compose. Meet the old personages again or face the new ones, with their own special activities and thrilling plots that you are about to flip around.